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Public News Post #20860

Coalition of Diggers

Written by: Pirate Kelara Lycrest
Date: Wednesday, October 21st, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

Hail Sapience!

I want to gather some folx to join me in some digging work! I keep finding that when I begin to dig out some of the digsites that the next month it is collapsed. This makes me sad, this should make you sad, because collapsed digsites does no one a favour.

It is possible to get them all dug out for everyone to enjoy IF we work together as a team to get it undug. So with that said I my family clan will host guests for this project on a temporary basis so we can coordinate and work together. We need to dig slowly, we need to take our time and return each month to continue and not get overzealous with the digs. It will take time, patience, and committment, but I absolutely believe we can do it!

So with that matter what house or city you belong in this is a netural grounds project for the benefit of everyone.

Lastly, for those who are not interested in joining this digging project I implore you to cease digging at the sites as we need well oiled coordination and if we already dug that month we need to ensure no one else starts digging to collapse it.

Send me a message should you be interested.

-Kelara Lycrest

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Ero, in the year 842 AF.

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Public News Post #20860

Coalition of Diggers

Written by: Pirate Kelara Lycrest
Date: Wednesday, October 21st, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

Hail Sapience!

I want to gather some folx to join me in some digging work! I keep finding that when I begin to dig out some of the digsites that the next month it is collapsed. This makes me sad, this should make you sad, because collapsed digsites does no one a favour.

It is possible to get them all dug out for everyone to enjoy IF we work together as a team to get it undug. So with that said I my family clan will host guests for this project on a temporary basis so we can coordinate and work together. We need to dig slowly, we need to take our time and return each month to continue and not get overzealous with the digs. It will take time, patience, and committment, but I absolutely believe we can do it!

So with that matter what house or city you belong in this is a netural grounds project for the benefit of everyone.

Lastly, for those who are not interested in joining this digging project I implore you to cease digging at the sites as we need well oiled coordination and if we already dug that month we need to ensure no one else starts digging to collapse it.

Send me a message should you be interested.

-Kelara Lycrest

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Ero, in the year 842 AF.

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