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Public News Post #20655

A clarification of my crimes against Targossas

Written by: Icraa Storm
Date: Wednesday, February 26th, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

Dawnlord Sothantos has brought to my attention that I may have glossed over a few details when it comes to my departure of, and crimes against Targossas. So here it is:

Back when I was still a Targossian I was married to the now heathen Lii Ikarian. I had been dormant for a while and upon my return the entire world was in chaos and the third wave was upon us. My then wife had broke her oaths and departed for the Seat of Chaos. Stubborn as I am I isolated myself and eventually decided I would chase after her. I approached Sir Achilles, handed over my keys to the house shop, informed him of my choice and asked him to carry out the sentence for Oathbreaking. After which I headed for Ashtan.

During my stay in Ashtan I comitted several crimes against the Bloodsworn Divine, Their City and Navy. I defiled on multiple accounts, raided on multiple accounts. I noticed that then Admiral Siduri had not yet removed my captain privileges to several Celestial Navy ships. This was about 2 years after my departure from Targossas. I gathered a crew of competent sailors, and set my sights on the Targossian ships. I gave them crew permissions and we set sail for Prasset Isle. We managed to get the first ship there unnoticed, and was on our way with the second ship when I noticed we had been found out. Before we docked on Prasset I dismounted the figurehead and stowed it away. And started docking on Prasset while my sailors dealt with the crew. A Targossian task force was waiting for us there and things got hectic. But the Targossians triumphed. However the figurehead was still in my posession. The very same task force hunted me day and night for the figurehead for months till i eventually returned it.

I have not included my thoughts and feelings because I do not wish to explain away my actions.

Since my departure from Ashtan I have done what I can to mend bridges and right my wrongs. By helping Admiral Kaiu with whatever she might need, helping Targossians with their tasks and joining any offensive or defensive against Targossas' enemies.

Humbly Theirs, Icraa Storm

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Ero, in the year 823 AF.

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Public News Post #20655

A clarification of my crimes against Targossas

Written by: Icraa Storm
Date: Wednesday, February 26th, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

Dawnlord Sothantos has brought to my attention that I may have glossed over a few details when it comes to my departure of, and crimes against Targossas. So here it is:

Back when I was still a Targossian I was married to the now heathen Lii Ikarian. I had been dormant for a while and upon my return the entire world was in chaos and the third wave was upon us. My then wife had broke her oaths and departed for the Seat of Chaos. Stubborn as I am I isolated myself and eventually decided I would chase after her. I approached Sir Achilles, handed over my keys to the house shop, informed him of my choice and asked him to carry out the sentence for Oathbreaking. After which I headed for Ashtan.

During my stay in Ashtan I comitted several crimes against the Bloodsworn Divine, Their City and Navy. I defiled on multiple accounts, raided on multiple accounts. I noticed that then Admiral Siduri had not yet removed my captain privileges to several Celestial Navy ships. This was about 2 years after my departure from Targossas. I gathered a crew of competent sailors, and set my sights on the Targossian ships. I gave them crew permissions and we set sail for Prasset Isle. We managed to get the first ship there unnoticed, and was on our way with the second ship when I noticed we had been found out. Before we docked on Prasset I dismounted the figurehead and stowed it away. And started docking on Prasset while my sailors dealt with the crew. A Targossian task force was waiting for us there and things got hectic. But the Targossians triumphed. However the figurehead was still in my posession. The very same task force hunted me day and night for the figurehead for months till i eventually returned it.

I have not included my thoughts and feelings because I do not wish to explain away my actions.

Since my departure from Ashtan I have done what I can to mend bridges and right my wrongs. By helping Admiral Kaiu with whatever she might need, helping Targossians with their tasks and joining any offensive or defensive against Targossas' enemies.

Humbly Theirs, Icraa Storm

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Ero, in the year 823 AF.

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