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Events News Post #734

Eidolic Spirits

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, January 22nd, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Regrouping while O'ising visited Ugrach, the cities of Sapience gathered again with Tatynne. In the mage's eyes, there was only a single path forward: abandon the daemon of Mhaldor and test their theory on a different Greater Eidolon, accepting the risk of potential side-effects on an ally.

Hashan was quick to volunteer for their city is no stranger to experimentation and ill outcome. Without objection, O'ising was escorted into the Court of Shadows where he fashioned a vodun doll in near-perfect likeness of their ancient alchemical golem. Wholly prepared, the Fourth Seat of the Conclave began his ritual.

It was a success. It could be done. No longer was it mere postulation and conjecture. A spirit could be extracted from a Greater Eidolon, but to draw it forth from its true flesh and blood host would demand more than O'ising or Tatynne could do. It would require a dedicated effort from each city. Just as the Yriluawen shaman finished, an imposition upon the very Elements resonated across the Prime.

Waves crashed and tides swelled as the Sorceress of Seas laughed with malice across the oceans, her peal accompanied by the groan of Bataoac's mouth, now hung wide open like a monumental cavern. In a roar of torrid fury, Jeramun set the vents of Hthrak ablaze with his ire while the Mistral danced across southern skies, plunging deep into the Meropian Scar of legend. The Conduits were empowered anew.

Tatynne and O'ising gave their final words of advice to the city-states, making good on their end of the bargain before returning back to their homes. Now, with their research spread and the Conduits roused, Sapience was left suffused with new power.

Who would wield it first?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: With O'ising's demise in Mhaldor, Tatynne and their allies regrouped and performed their ritual test upon a doll of Hashan's alchemical golem. Their theory was confirmed, and in response to the swell of magic the Elemental Conduits reacted across both Sapience and Meropis. With this new potential unleashed upon Sapience, the city-states have been left to unlock its secrets.

Penned by My hand on the 18th of Aeguary, in the year 908 AF.

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Events News Post #734

Eidolic Spirits

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, January 22nd, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Regrouping while O'ising visited Ugrach, the cities of Sapience gathered again with Tatynne. In the mage's eyes, there was only a single path forward: abandon the daemon of Mhaldor and test their theory on a different Greater Eidolon, accepting the risk of potential side-effects on an ally.

Hashan was quick to volunteer for their city is no stranger to experimentation and ill outcome. Without objection, O'ising was escorted into the Court of Shadows where he fashioned a vodun doll in near-perfect likeness of their ancient alchemical golem. Wholly prepared, the Fourth Seat of the Conclave began his ritual.

It was a success. It could be done. No longer was it mere postulation and conjecture. A spirit could be extracted from a Greater Eidolon, but to draw it forth from its true flesh and blood host would demand more than O'ising or Tatynne could do. It would require a dedicated effort from each city. Just as the Yriluawen shaman finished, an imposition upon the very Elements resonated across the Prime.

Waves crashed and tides swelled as the Sorceress of Seas laughed with malice across the oceans, her peal accompanied by the groan of Bataoac's mouth, now hung wide open like a monumental cavern. In a roar of torrid fury, Jeramun set the vents of Hthrak ablaze with his ire while the Mistral danced across southern skies, plunging deep into the Meropian Scar of legend. The Conduits were empowered anew.

Tatynne and O'ising gave their final words of advice to the city-states, making good on their end of the bargain before returning back to their homes. Now, with their research spread and the Conduits roused, Sapience was left suffused with new power.

Who would wield it first?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: With O'ising's demise in Mhaldor, Tatynne and their allies regrouped and performed their ritual test upon a doll of Hashan's alchemical golem. Their theory was confirmed, and in response to the swell of magic the Elemental Conduits reacted across both Sapience and Meropis. With this new potential unleashed upon Sapience, the city-states have been left to unlock its secrets.

Penned by My hand on the 18th of Aeguary, in the year 908 AF.

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