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Announce News Post #4980

December in Achaea!

Written by: Nicola
Date: Saturday, December 1st, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

It's December already and we have an exciting month ahead of us!

To celebrate (and because it's nearly Logosmas), Logosmas stockings are back again!
You can purchase stockings from the website and then hang them up in-game for you or your friends!

HANG STOCKING FOR ME - to hang the stocking for yourself
- to hang the stocking for someone else
- even give someone an anonymous gift! (Optional)

Ironbeard will drink his way through the realms every in-game midnight and fill any empty stockings with gifts!

Stockings come in 4 varieties: Logosmas, Fancy, Grand, and Extravagant, with each tier containing higher and higher values of gifts inside! That's not to say that you can't luck out if you stick with the Logosmas stockings, as they have a chance to contain the higher tiered gifts.

STOCKINGS - to see the status of any of your stockings.
OPEN STOCKING - to open a stocking! (After Ironbeard has filled it)
OPEN <STOCKING#> - to open a particular stocking in the case of well-stockinged locations!

Only you can open your stockings, so no need to worry about the nasty Krampus coming to steal your gifts! Once you open your stocking, it will be destroyed.

Additionally, for every 5 stockings of each type you purchase, you'll receive either a gold or platinum stocking of that tier! If you purchase 5 fancy stockings, you'll get a gold (or platinum) fancy stocking. These special versions contain double the reward value of the regular versions!

Ironbeard only has so much room in his sack, so these stockings will only be filled on December 25th (gold) and January 1st, 2019 (platinum). All unhung gold stockings will be converted to platinum versions after December 25. These tallies count over multiple purchases, so if you purchase 5 single stockings over the month, you'll get a special version with your 5th purchase.

All commands for stockings can also be found in HELP PROMO ITEMS.

Now, onto the fun part...


This year you have a chance to find:
- Silvery candycanes*
- Various statistic altering artefacts
- A Logosmas themed artefact vial

* The silvery candycanes are a limited edition currency! Collect, sell, gift and trade these and you can spend them in the Logosmas Shop. Each of these canes has a calculated worth of five credits. You can trade these in for three bound credits with the PROMO TRADEIN command if desired, but the primary use is through the LOGOSMAS command.

LOGOSMAS LIST - lists a whole host of artefacts that you can purchase using candycanes! Many of these artefacts have custom, seasonal descriptions.
LOGOSMAS BUY - to purchase!
LOGOSMAS SHOW - will permit you to gain more information about a given artefact.

Candycanes are groupable, and there is no need to split groups before purchasing - this is handled automatically.

In addition, you can LOGOSMAS BUY <id> FOR <person> which will purchase said item and send it gift wrapped to your lucky giftee. This incurs an additional three candycane service charge, elves gotta eat.

You can see how many candycanes you currently have with II CANDYCANE, these are groupable items.

Among the dozens of wares available for purchase with candycanes are a whole slew of artefacts, including all level 1 weapons, and caches that open for the new RENEGADES talisman set and the Blackwave talisman set!

The following items are available as part of the RENEGADES set:

- an elemental injunction
PULL this contract and your reputation among your chosen elemental faction will plunge instantly to hated, while your standing with the others will be reset to neutral.
This is consumed upon use and will not work unless you have a faction to upset in the first place!

- a staring moppet
TURN this moppet in the presence of a dead foray boss and you may then PUSH the moppet to be transported to that foray's entrance once per (RL) day.
Note that this does still require you to have formed an Intrepid group and have signed for the foray before you may enter!

- a shadowcloak
This cloak grants access to the SHROUD ability from Necromancy, just like its artefact counterpart.

- a turncoat's masque
BESTOW MASQUE <target > and for fifteen seconds that target will consider all those that they share organisations with to be enemies.
The renegade can trust no-one! This incurs a 3 minute cooldown.
- a coward's mantle
You may BESTOW MANTLE <target> and cause all threat generated by hostile creatures to be accumulated for that person instead.
This requires you remain in the same location and, naturally, that your target survives their tribulations.
The effect lasts one minute and the mantle can be used every five minutes.

- a reversible white coat
TURN COAT to exchange your personal allies and enemies.
There is no cooldown on this ability.

- a sundered sword pennon
RAISE PENNON and the longevity experience bonus in an area will be boosted to a higher level.
This incurs a 4 hour cooldown and does respect the cap to longevity experience.
For reference, this refers to the bonus XP granted when denizens live for a longer period of time without being killed.

- some mercenary chalk
Using this chalk, members of the Ivory or Quisalis marks may BETRAY MARK to instantly transfer to the other one.
This is consumed upon use.
All reputation gained in the prior organisation is maintained.

Owning all of the talismans in this set will unlock a completion bonus! This prize will be wrapped in a box that opens on 25th of December.

In the middle of January, the Logosmas Shop will close and any unspent candycanes will be automatically traded in for their 3 bound credit value.


Penned by My hand on the 12th of Scarlatan, in the year 787 AF.

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Announce News Post #4980

December in Achaea!

Written by: Nicola
Date: Saturday, December 1st, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

It's December already and we have an exciting month ahead of us!

To celebrate (and because it's nearly Logosmas), Logosmas stockings are back again!
You can purchase stockings from the website and then hang them up in-game for you or your friends!

HANG STOCKING FOR ME - to hang the stocking for yourself
- to hang the stocking for someone else
- even give someone an anonymous gift! (Optional)

Ironbeard will drink his way through the realms every in-game midnight and fill any empty stockings with gifts!

Stockings come in 4 varieties: Logosmas, Fancy, Grand, and Extravagant, with each tier containing higher and higher values of gifts inside! That's not to say that you can't luck out if you stick with the Logosmas stockings, as they have a chance to contain the higher tiered gifts.

STOCKINGS - to see the status of any of your stockings.
OPEN STOCKING - to open a stocking! (After Ironbeard has filled it)
OPEN <STOCKING#> - to open a particular stocking in the case of well-stockinged locations!

Only you can open your stockings, so no need to worry about the nasty Krampus coming to steal your gifts! Once you open your stocking, it will be destroyed.

Additionally, for every 5 stockings of each type you purchase, you'll receive either a gold or platinum stocking of that tier! If you purchase 5 fancy stockings, you'll get a gold (or platinum) fancy stocking. These special versions contain double the reward value of the regular versions!

Ironbeard only has so much room in his sack, so these stockings will only be filled on December 25th (gold) and January 1st, 2019 (platinum). All unhung gold stockings will be converted to platinum versions after December 25. These tallies count over multiple purchases, so if you purchase 5 single stockings over the month, you'll get a special version with your 5th purchase.

All commands for stockings can also be found in HELP PROMO ITEMS.

Now, onto the fun part...


This year you have a chance to find:
- Silvery candycanes*
- Various statistic altering artefacts
- A Logosmas themed artefact vial

* The silvery candycanes are a limited edition currency! Collect, sell, gift and trade these and you can spend them in the Logosmas Shop. Each of these canes has a calculated worth of five credits. You can trade these in for three bound credits with the PROMO TRADEIN command if desired, but the primary use is through the LOGOSMAS command.

LOGOSMAS LIST - lists a whole host of artefacts that you can purchase using candycanes! Many of these artefacts have custom, seasonal descriptions.
LOGOSMAS BUY - to purchase!
LOGOSMAS SHOW - will permit you to gain more information about a given artefact.

Candycanes are groupable, and there is no need to split groups before purchasing - this is handled automatically.

In addition, you can LOGOSMAS BUY <id> FOR <person> which will purchase said item and send it gift wrapped to your lucky giftee. This incurs an additional three candycane service charge, elves gotta eat.

You can see how many candycanes you currently have with II CANDYCANE, these are groupable items.

Among the dozens of wares available for purchase with candycanes are a whole slew of artefacts, including all level 1 weapons, and caches that open for the new RENEGADES talisman set and the Blackwave talisman set!

The following items are available as part of the RENEGADES set:

- an elemental injunction
PULL this contract and your reputation among your chosen elemental faction will plunge instantly to hated, while your standing with the others will be reset to neutral.
This is consumed upon use and will not work unless you have a faction to upset in the first place!

- a staring moppet
TURN this moppet in the presence of a dead foray boss and you may then PUSH the moppet to be transported to that foray's entrance once per (RL) day.
Note that this does still require you to have formed an Intrepid group and have signed for the foray before you may enter!

- a shadowcloak
This cloak grants access to the SHROUD ability from Necromancy, just like its artefact counterpart.

- a turncoat's masque
BESTOW MASQUE <target > and for fifteen seconds that target will consider all those that they share organisations with to be enemies.
The renegade can trust no-one! This incurs a 3 minute cooldown.
- a coward's mantle
You may BESTOW MANTLE <target> and cause all threat generated by hostile creatures to be accumulated for that person instead.
This requires you remain in the same location and, naturally, that your target survives their tribulations.
The effect lasts one minute and the mantle can be used every five minutes.

- a reversible white coat
TURN COAT to exchange your personal allies and enemies.
There is no cooldown on this ability.

- a sundered sword pennon
RAISE PENNON and the longevity experience bonus in an area will be boosted to a higher level.
This incurs a 4 hour cooldown and does respect the cap to longevity experience.
For reference, this refers to the bonus XP granted when denizens live for a longer period of time without being killed.

- some mercenary chalk
Using this chalk, members of the Ivory or Quisalis marks may BETRAY MARK to instantly transfer to the other one.
This is consumed upon use.
All reputation gained in the prior organisation is maintained.

Owning all of the talismans in this set will unlock a completion bonus! This prize will be wrapped in a box that opens on 25th of December.

In the middle of January, the Logosmas Shop will close and any unspent candycanes will be automatically traded in for their 3 bound credit value.


Penned by My hand on the 12th of Scarlatan, in the year 787 AF.

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