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Announce News Post #4699


Written by: Nicola
Date: Sunday, January 1st, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

A new year is upon us and the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed amongst you (those of you not suffering from the past weekend's indulgences) might have made some resolutions, things you want to change or achieve during this shiny new year.

Here in Achaea we also want you to embrace this chance, be it for a fresh start, to take up a new challenge, to aim for some lofty goal, or just to help motivate you to push that little bit harder toward something you've always aimed for!

To this end we bring you Resolutions!

These strange things cost gold, 2,000 or 10,000 depending on the resolution you want to claim.

When you complete a resolution you'll be rewarded with mementos of resolve. At the end of January we'll be setting up a special auction that you can only bid in if you have mementos.

After January is over the prizes that were made available during the auction will also be sold for mementos (at a cost higher than they auctioned for), so don't fret if you didn't get to spend yours during the auction, or that you didn't quite finish your resolutions, you'll have plenty of time to do so!

Now, onto the nitty gritty of steeling your resolve.

RESOLUTION LIST - lists all the resolutions!
RESOLUTION SHOW <ID#> - gives you information about a resolution.
RESOLVE TO <ID#> - take on a resolution, you will need the appropriate amount of gold in hand for this.
RESOLUTION STATUS - all about your resolutions, and progress where applicable.

You can have as many resolutions as you like, but you cannot have more than one resolution that works towards the same target (so no double dipping you shrine dusters and adventurer decapitators!)

You won't be creditted for anything done prior to picking up a resolution. (Sorry Jhui, that kill count won't help, you'll have to spill more blood!)

You cannot cancel a resolution, so once you pick one up you best see it through!

Penned by My hand on the 13th of Lupar, in the year 731 AF.

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Announce News Post #4699


Written by: Nicola
Date: Sunday, January 1st, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

A new year is upon us and the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed amongst you (those of you not suffering from the past weekend's indulgences) might have made some resolutions, things you want to change or achieve during this shiny new year.

Here in Achaea we also want you to embrace this chance, be it for a fresh start, to take up a new challenge, to aim for some lofty goal, or just to help motivate you to push that little bit harder toward something you've always aimed for!

To this end we bring you Resolutions!

These strange things cost gold, 2,000 or 10,000 depending on the resolution you want to claim.

When you complete a resolution you'll be rewarded with mementos of resolve. At the end of January we'll be setting up a special auction that you can only bid in if you have mementos.

After January is over the prizes that were made available during the auction will also be sold for mementos (at a cost higher than they auctioned for), so don't fret if you didn't get to spend yours during the auction, or that you didn't quite finish your resolutions, you'll have plenty of time to do so!

Now, onto the nitty gritty of steeling your resolve.

RESOLUTION LIST - lists all the resolutions!
RESOLUTION SHOW <ID#> - gives you information about a resolution.
RESOLVE TO <ID#> - take on a resolution, you will need the appropriate amount of gold in hand for this.
RESOLUTION STATUS - all about your resolutions, and progress where applicable.

You can have as many resolutions as you like, but you cannot have more than one resolution that works towards the same target (so no double dipping you shrine dusters and adventurer decapitators!)

You won't be creditted for anything done prior to picking up a resolution. (Sorry Jhui, that kill count won't help, you'll have to spill more blood!)

You cannot cancel a resolution, so once you pick one up you best see it through!

Penned by My hand on the 13th of Lupar, in the year 731 AF.

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