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Announce News Post #2366

Weaves and reWeaves

Written by: Clementius, the Weaver
Date: Thursday, October 12th, 2006
Addressed to: Everyone

(Sourpuss Summary Below)

Bardic blatherings bettered!
Hollering Haikus, Inciting to Isorhythms, Foisting Fugues,
Shouting Solos, Pronouncing Poems, and Nattering about Noise?
Wondering why all seems well, but your auditors tell you,
politely, at some later time, that they couldn't hear a word?

Bards should now have a much better sense of when their
audiences (willing or unwilling) can even hear them.

Hailing Harmonics
Bards will also find that multiple, repeated, unfinished
calls to their harmonics will no longer discombobulate
them as formerly.

Peeking into the Place of Eternal Song (POES)
Aeternam formerly worked to increase, sometimes, the
bard's cache of song in POES (pronounced PO - ACE,
for those unenlightened among you). Now aeternam
may also reveal to the Bard what precisely is, or
is not, present in POES.

Me and My Shadow, or Maybe Yours
Anxious awaiters and surreptitious shadowers may
find that evasion now properly ends both of those
sneaky states.

Unphased by Phasing?
Many telepathic abilities formerly found success
in affecting the phased. No more!

Listening Loudly While Dropping From Eaves
The Sapience-wide organisation known only as
"denizens uniformly making better" has lost a huge
fight in its struggle to protect its members from
being overheard, to the delight of listeners and
eavesdroppers everywhere.

Jumpin' Jack Joke
Escaping to the trees, or to flight, may not have
been enough to evade those wily boxes of prankish
death! Now, both should be, however close you
remain to your executioner's location.

Death Drollery?
Death Tarot has been caught in an awful joke,
obviously perpetrated in an immature attempt
to escape blame. Seems that every time a victim
escaped, Death would try to shift responsibility
by reporting on the escape of some victim whose
name was chosen at random. Death has been caught
in this chicanery and forced to return to reporting
the true victim's name.

Sleepy Blighter
For some reason unbeknownst to us, sleep would
erupt from netherworldly blight with a bang and
a blab - wrongly informing victims of the onset
of sleep instead of keeping under wraps.

Unwarded Curse, or Uncursed Ward?
Belligerent breachers bellowed when they saw
non-existent cursewards tumbling down. No more!

Holy-Leaping Health-leech!
Healthleech no longer may cause the untimely
death of the leecher when the leached undertakes
a bit of deliverance.

I Spy, but Why in the Sky? Oh My!
Those who use little dolls or puppets to spy
on others were often surprised not to see their
victims at all, due to yet another perversity
in their manufacture. We believe this perversity
was introduced by a band of lumberjack dwarves
who had gotten far too friendly with the bottom
of some rather large bottles (we'd call them
vats) full of odoriferous spirits while they
were cutting lumber down into wood commodities.

Grove Tracking Statusised
Groves everywhere report their pleasure in
being enabled to tell you more when you ask.
To wit: if your grove is tracking someone.

Sourpuss Summary
- bards will now have some indication of the deafness of
their targets for haikus, isorhythms, fugues, solos,
poems, and even plain old noise.

- if a bard calls harmonics while they are already on
the way, then ther will be no further eq or bal cost.

- PLAY AETERNAM, without naming another harmonic, will
result in a display of the Bard's harmonics in POES.

- Evading should now properly terminate await and shadow.

- Those phased should no longer be affected by most
telepathic abilities.

- listen and eavesdrop should now overhear all utterances
from denizens.

- jack-in-the-boxes formerly succeeded if their target
was in the same location but had escaped to the trees
or flight. No longer!

- failed death tarot should consistently identify the

victim properly.

- curses blight - sleep no longer gives stripping

- curses breach - will no longer mention a curseward
going down if there wasn't one!

- healthleech will no longer trigger kaid deliverance
death for the one who is doing the leeching.

- puppet/vodun spy will now properly show the location
of the victim and at the victim's elevation, not
the puppetry/vodun practitioner's.

- grove tracking now shows up in grove status.

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Lupar, in the year 433 AF.

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Announce News Post #2366

Weaves and reWeaves

Written by: Clementius, the Weaver
Date: Thursday, October 12th, 2006
Addressed to: Everyone

(Sourpuss Summary Below)

Bardic blatherings bettered!
Hollering Haikus, Inciting to Isorhythms, Foisting Fugues,
Shouting Solos, Pronouncing Poems, and Nattering about Noise?
Wondering why all seems well, but your auditors tell you,
politely, at some later time, that they couldn't hear a word?

Bards should now have a much better sense of when their
audiences (willing or unwilling) can even hear them.

Hailing Harmonics
Bards will also find that multiple, repeated, unfinished
calls to their harmonics will no longer discombobulate
them as formerly.

Peeking into the Place of Eternal Song (POES)
Aeternam formerly worked to increase, sometimes, the
bard's cache of song in POES (pronounced PO - ACE,
for those unenlightened among you). Now aeternam
may also reveal to the Bard what precisely is, or
is not, present in POES.

Me and My Shadow, or Maybe Yours
Anxious awaiters and surreptitious shadowers may
find that evasion now properly ends both of those
sneaky states.

Unphased by Phasing?
Many telepathic abilities formerly found success
in affecting the phased. No more!

Listening Loudly While Dropping From Eaves
The Sapience-wide organisation known only as
"denizens uniformly making better" has lost a huge
fight in its struggle to protect its members from
being overheard, to the delight of listeners and
eavesdroppers everywhere.

Jumpin' Jack Joke
Escaping to the trees, or to flight, may not have
been enough to evade those wily boxes of prankish
death! Now, both should be, however close you
remain to your executioner's location.

Death Drollery?
Death Tarot has been caught in an awful joke,
obviously perpetrated in an immature attempt
to escape blame. Seems that every time a victim
escaped, Death would try to shift responsibility
by reporting on the escape of some victim whose
name was chosen at random. Death has been caught
in this chicanery and forced to return to reporting
the true victim's name.

Sleepy Blighter
For some reason unbeknownst to us, sleep would
erupt from netherworldly blight with a bang and
a blab - wrongly informing victims of the onset
of sleep instead of keeping under wraps.

Unwarded Curse, or Uncursed Ward?
Belligerent breachers bellowed when they saw
non-existent cursewards tumbling down. No more!

Holy-Leaping Health-leech!
Healthleech no longer may cause the untimely
death of the leecher when the leached undertakes
a bit of deliverance.

I Spy, but Why in the Sky? Oh My!
Those who use little dolls or puppets to spy
on others were often surprised not to see their
victims at all, due to yet another perversity
in their manufacture. We believe this perversity
was introduced by a band of lumberjack dwarves
who had gotten far too friendly with the bottom
of some rather large bottles (we'd call them
vats) full of odoriferous spirits while they
were cutting lumber down into wood commodities.

Grove Tracking Statusised
Groves everywhere report their pleasure in
being enabled to tell you more when you ask.
To wit: if your grove is tracking someone.

Sourpuss Summary
- bards will now have some indication of the deafness of
their targets for haikus, isorhythms, fugues, solos,
poems, and even plain old noise.

- if a bard calls harmonics while they are already on
the way, then ther will be no further eq or bal cost.

- PLAY AETERNAM, without naming another harmonic, will
result in a display of the Bard's harmonics in POES.

- Evading should now properly terminate await and shadow.

- Those phased should no longer be affected by most
telepathic abilities.

- listen and eavesdrop should now overhear all utterances
from denizens.

- jack-in-the-boxes formerly succeeded if their target
was in the same location but had escaped to the trees
or flight. No longer!

- failed death tarot should consistently identify the

victim properly.

- curses blight - sleep no longer gives stripping

- curses breach - will no longer mention a curseward
going down if there wasn't one!

- healthleech will no longer trigger kaid deliverance
death for the one who is doing the leeching.

- puppet/vodun spy will now properly show the location
of the victim and at the victim's elevation, not
the puppetry/vodun practitioner's.

- grove tracking now shows up in grove status.

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Lupar, in the year 433 AF.

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