Latest News

Ideas and Bugfixes!

By Nicola | February 13, 2017 |

We’ve just loaded up a small batch of bugfixes and ideas for you all. Here are the details: If you now specify an earring of Sinope ID to use to travel with (TRAVEL TO <person> WITH <earring>), it will always override the travel to mutual allies bonus granted by the special valentine chocolates. Some cases…

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Classlead Changes Round 4!

By Nicola | January 26, 2017 |

We’re nearly done with all the classlead changes for this first quarter’s submissions! There’s just one more batch to go after these. But what you really want to know is which skills were affected this time, here you go: Aeonics, Groves, Runelore, Shadowmancy, Shindo, Swashbuckling, Tattoos and Terminus. One of the biggest changes in this…

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Classlead Changes Round 3!

By Nicola | January 24, 2017 |

We’re pleased to bring you the third round of changes and updates from the 2017 first quarter classlead submissions! These include changes to the following skills: Physiology, Shadowmancy, Shindo, Spiritlore, Subterfuge, Tarot and Weaponmastery! For all the specifics on these changes, READNEWS ANNOUNCE 4713!  

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Classlead Changes Round 2

By Nicola | January 13, 2017 |

Close on the heels of the first batch, here’s the list of skills that saw changes during this second round of classleads: Curses, Domination, Dragoncraft, Elementalism, Groves, Metamorphosis, Puppetry/Vodun, Runelore, Shadowmancy, Spiritlore, and Woodlore! For more details on these changes, READNEWS ANNOUNCE 4709 and keep your eyes peeled for more!

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January Lottery Winners!

By Nicola | January 13, 2017 |

The recent lotteries have been drawn and our hearty congratulations go out to the following lucky winners! Seragorn, who won the Sacrificial Kris! Ellaer, who won the vial of infinite health elixir! Lenn, who won the gold-handled inkbrush! And, Kayeil, who won the custom dragon description!

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Classlead Changes Round 1

By Nicola | January 11, 2017 |

Makarios has been hard at work going over all your classlead submissions and comments, and the first round of changes is now live! This batch features changes to the following skills: Aeonics, Alchemy, Artifice, Chivalry, Domination, Dragoncraft, Evileye, Shindo, Striking, Subterfuge, and Terminus! READNEWS ANNOUNCE 4706 for all the details!

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Resolutions for a New Year!

By Nicola | January 1, 2017 |

A new year is upon us and the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed amongst you (those of you not suffering from the past weekend’s indulgences) might have made some resolutions, things you want to change or achieve during this shiny new year. Here in Achaea we also want you to embrace this chance, be it for a…

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Crusades Come to Achaea!

By Nicola | December 24, 2016 |

It would not be Achaean Christmas without a few surprises (sometimes pleasant, sometimes not), and 2016 is no exception. We’re very pleased to bring you the final phase of the shrine system, which we very much think shall fall into the former category! Though you’ll be able to read all about it in HELP CRUSADES,…

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