Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.

9.45.1 Bardic Harmonic Instrument Specialisation

In order to acquire skill levels above ADEPT in the HARMONICS skill, the
student of the art must select a bardic instrument in which to specialise. Once
selected, this specialisation may only be changed at substantial cost (100

The five bardic instruments are Flute, Mandolin, Harp, Lute, and Lyre.
SPECIAL NOTE: The Lasallian Lyre is usable as a Bardic instrument.

Instruments can be bought within a small, southern settlement of artists and


SPECIALISE IN <bardicinstrument>   - selects a specialisation.
SPECIALISATION                     - shows your current specialisation.
UNSPECIALISE <bardicinstrument>    - removes your specialisation.
                                     (cost: 100 lessons)