The Third Adryn Games!

All of Sapience was abuzz after Lord Adryn’s announcement of the third Adryn Keep Tournament, a festival and contest that had now become a familiar tradition to every city upon the continent. It began a few days before the starting ceremony, as exquisitely-garbed attendants departed for their assigned cities, stationing themselves at the now century-old urns in preparation for the contest’s start.

And then it began, a prodigious fanfare of trumpets announced the beginning of the first event, a hunting contest requiring each city to slake their urn with the corpses galore! Hashan prevailed, winning the gruelling hunting competition by the barest of margins of the determined hunters of Eleusis. Cyrene followed next, successfully filling their urn just days before the event’s end. Targossas, Ashtan, and Mhaldor were unable to slake the ravenous thirst of their urns, though their progress allowed them to secure fourth, fifth and sixth place respectively.

The Land Race came next, the fleet of foot in Hashan being led by their greatest riddlers as they solved cryptic clue after cryptic clue, taking them into first place as they travelled from the boughs of the World Tree to the roots of the Underworld. Targossas claimed second place, with an admirable performance. Mhaldor secured third place, followed by Eleusis in fourth, Ashtan in fifth, and Cyrene in sixth.

The seas came next, a Ship Race across the oceans themselves. Ashtan charted a most efficient course, and with a proficient performance they took first place. Eleusis secured second, with a time just moments slower than Ashtan. Hashan and Cyrene nearly tied, but in the end the Court of Shadows claimed third and the Heart of the Vashnars was left with fourth place. Targossas placed fifth, and Mhaldor was left with sixth place.

Thus began the final event of the Adryn Keep Tournament, the Gauntlet. A fabled challenge wreathed in mystery, testing all manner of attentiveness, understanding, and wit. Hashan was the first to enter the Gauntlet, and with a very impressive time they secured themselves first place. Mhaldor was the next fastest, taking second place and leaving Eleusis with third. The bottom half of the scoreboard was marked with Cyrene in fourth, Targossas in fifth, and Ashtan in sixth.

The games had finished, and Lord Adryn hosted a grand closing ceremony within his fairgrounds. The crowd gathered with food and drink as Lord Adryn welcomed the Khulian singer Moke-Mele to the stage, who performed a bardic piece written by Stefana Vorondil-Lanthe. In the wake of the song, Stheno Aristata was gifted a tapestry of her own design, a reward for winning Lady Adryn’s contest on loyalty.

And then it was time to announce the winner of the tournament. Each city had marched through all the challenges laid before them, but only one could be crowned triumphant. The overall victor was the city of Hashan. For their achievement, the Court of Shadows was showered with wealth and presented a boon from Lord Adryn, an addition to their arena at his own expense.

In the end, the Lord and Lady Adryn wound down their festival with great pleasure, content with the turnout and performances of all.

Summary: Lord Adryn hosted the third Adryn Keep Tournament, consisting of a Hunting Contest, a Land Race, a Ship Race, and a trial in the Gauntlet. Hashan was victorious, securing first place overall. Eleusis followed in second place. Targossas earned third place. Ashtan, Cyrene, and Mhaldor all tied for fourth place.

For her victory in the tapestry contest, Stheno won a preserved version of her tapestry and five Mayan Crowns. For their victory in the overall Games, Hashan won five thousand credits and the opportunity to design their very own arena game!