
At the coming Serenade (in about six hours), we will be going live with twenty auctions! Ten of these will be for credits, and ten for gold!

This is just a heads up with a list of available prizes for you to all consider:


  1. Custom Elemental Lord or Dragon description
  2. Custom Blademaster Sword
  3. Custom Deathsight (either your own kills or your own death)
  4. Any Completed Promo Talisman
  5. A Holocaust Crown
  6. An Yggdrasian Shard (allows resurrection of others)
  7. An Ankh of Vitality
  8. Innate Morphing Armour
  9. Enhanced Shop Cart
  10. Racial Language Token


  1. Elemental Amnesty (reset your factional standing entirely, once)
  2. Any Level 1 Promo Talisman Piece
  3. Any Level 1 Promo Talisman Piece
  4. Any Legend Deck Card (see HELP LEGENDDECK)
  5. Any Legend Deck Card (see HELP LEGENDDECK)
  6. Combination Artefact (see HELP PROMO ITEMS)
  7. Combination Artefact (see HELP PROMO ITEMS)
  8. 300 Housing Credits
  9. 300 Housing Credits
  10. Out of Subs Plot (this will be located on a cliffside in the Aalen Forest).

For those unfamiliar, HELP AUCTIONS has all the info you need.