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Public News Post #3574


Written by: Sarrius Chytovil, the Spellscourge
Date: Sunday, December 17th, 2017
Addressed to: Larkin Athisia


I surely appreciate you taking the time to try and condescend to me in a post to the entire realm. After the events of this month, however, I believe we both know what that gets you: a fat lip and tired legs from scurrying around your own home in a panic. You acted as if my goal was to break you or make you concede something. It's really more simple than that, though.

The truth is, Larkin, I'm keeping a personal matter exactly that: personal. The same regretfully cannot be said for you. You involved an entire council in a vendetta against me. You were always against my induction as a citizen. You saw an opportunity to satisfy your pettiness and rid yourself of an opponent and you took it.

You did not oust me for attacking 'our ally Antioch'. You ousted me because I disagreed with you publicly and you are incapable of handling that as a man. Not as a leader, but as a man. A person. A mortal. This is why you have, historically, been a pretty shitty city leader. It is amusing to know that the moment you took Wildgraf, you immediately descended back to the same petty state that made the village not worth living within in the first place.

Your council has privately gone to great pains to tell me that they appreciate me putting you in your place, Larkin. Remember that while a man might possess the keys to the city, he will may never possess the hearts of the people that live within it.

Your lack of principle most assuredly will plunge the Pines into chaos. I can't wait to watch the villagers feed you to the wolves when it happens.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Letum, in the year 152 AM.

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Public News Post #3574


Written by: Sarrius Chytovil, the Spellscourge
Date: Sunday, December 17th, 2017
Addressed to: Larkin Athisia


I surely appreciate you taking the time to try and condescend to me in a post to the entire realm. After the events of this month, however, I believe we both know what that gets you: a fat lip and tired legs from scurrying around your own home in a panic. You acted as if my goal was to break you or make you concede something. It's really more simple than that, though.

The truth is, Larkin, I'm keeping a personal matter exactly that: personal. The same regretfully cannot be said for you. You involved an entire council in a vendetta against me. You were always against my induction as a citizen. You saw an opportunity to satisfy your pettiness and rid yourself of an opponent and you took it.

You did not oust me for attacking 'our ally Antioch'. You ousted me because I disagreed with you publicly and you are incapable of handling that as a man. Not as a leader, but as a man. A person. A mortal. This is why you have, historically, been a pretty shitty city leader. It is amusing to know that the moment you took Wildgraf, you immediately descended back to the same petty state that made the village not worth living within in the first place.

Your council has privately gone to great pains to tell me that they appreciate me putting you in your place, Larkin. Remember that while a man might possess the keys to the city, he will may never possess the hearts of the people that live within it.

Your lack of principle most assuredly will plunge the Pines into chaos. I can't wait to watch the villagers feed you to the wolves when it happens.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Letum, in the year 152 AM.

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