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Public News Post #6284

Sentaari sponsored Tekura Tournament

Written by: Abbess Aloli Gallant
Date: Sunday, August 18th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello everyone,

The Sentaari monastery is pleased to announce its first Martial Arts tournament. The winner of the tournament can claim a prize of fifty (50) credits.

In honor of our ancestors, the Althasai, every few years we will host a different tournament that recognizes and challenges a specific style of martial arts. This year, we will honour the Lakshasa practitioners.

The Lakshasa favoured precision and concentrated blows. They were serious and focused on their training. They enjoyed grappling and using pressure points, joint-breaking, and choking to take down their targets.

This tournament challenges the participants to only use Tekura and Kaido.

- Using any Telepathy that requires a mental lock on your opponent will disqualify the you

- Spirit Monks only
- You must be of the Abbey to participate. Read CLANHELP ABBEY and ask for an invitation if you're not a member already
- The tournament will last for six months after the start date
- The tournament will start once sufficient participants are registered
- Tournament rounds and rules are expounded upon in the Abbey

Registration costs five thousand (5,000) gold per person.

Speak to me for details and registration.

Abbess Aloli Gallant

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 1st of Lleian, in the year 482 MA.

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Public News Post #6284

Sentaari sponsored Tekura Tournament

Written by: Abbess Aloli Gallant
Date: Sunday, August 18th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello everyone,

The Sentaari monastery is pleased to announce its first Martial Arts tournament. The winner of the tournament can claim a prize of fifty (50) credits.

In honor of our ancestors, the Althasai, every few years we will host a different tournament that recognizes and challenges a specific style of martial arts. This year, we will honour the Lakshasa practitioners.

The Lakshasa favoured precision and concentrated blows. They were serious and focused on their training. They enjoyed grappling and using pressure points, joint-breaking, and choking to take down their targets.

This tournament challenges the participants to only use Tekura and Kaido.

- Using any Telepathy that requires a mental lock on your opponent will disqualify the you

- Spirit Monks only
- You must be of the Abbey to participate. Read CLANHELP ABBEY and ask for an invitation if you're not a member already
- The tournament will last for six months after the start date
- The tournament will start once sufficient participants are registered
- Tournament rounds and rules are expounded upon in the Abbey

Registration costs five thousand (5,000) gold per person.

Speak to me for details and registration.

Abbess Aloli Gallant

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 1st of Lleian, in the year 482 MA.

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