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Public News Post #6270

Regarding Resolution

Written by: Archmage Oonagh Heliodor Maximillian Morrog
Date: Monday, August 12th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

[[RE: Crusade - Galadriel Te'Straif]]
It must be quite true that blood is thicker than water, though when said blood forms a clot in ones brain, that can cause a lapse in one's understanding, accuracy, and even ability to provide cognizant thought. So I will make this very clear for all parties involved, regarding the active Crusade, since it would seem my audience is the sort that believes the square peg should get repeatedly jammed into the round hole despite reasonable discussion opportunities presented.

There are resolutions to the aforementioned Judgement:

-Galadriel Te'Straif can choose to atone, and begin the process of reparations with both the City of Enorian, the Council of Duiran and the Gods of Spirit for his transgressions. The process begins with discussions between parties and tangible goals being set. This -is- a difficult course of action, but with perserverence and humbling one may accomplish any goal despite the obstacles in place. You shall be greater for this should you choose this path.

-Galadriel Te'Straif can cast aside the teachings of the Light and depart to that of Shadow in either that of Bloodloch or Spinesreach, if they would so choose acccept him. Such is not my decision or one that I would have part of discussion in, but this is not my existence which is being called upon for Judgement, ergo, do as you wish Galadriel. This solution means purely your existence against that of Light is justified and not laden with heresy. Standard engagement rules will still apply.

- - - - - -

The previous posts rules of engagement apply until further notice.
READNEWS PUBLIC 6267 - for details.

Blessed are those of the Light,

Cardinal Oonagh

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 18th of Khepary, in the year 482 MA.

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Public News Post #6270

Regarding Resolution

Written by: Archmage Oonagh Heliodor Maximillian Morrog
Date: Monday, August 12th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

[[RE: Crusade - Galadriel Te'Straif]]
It must be quite true that blood is thicker than water, though when said blood forms a clot in ones brain, that can cause a lapse in one's understanding, accuracy, and even ability to provide cognizant thought. So I will make this very clear for all parties involved, regarding the active Crusade, since it would seem my audience is the sort that believes the square peg should get repeatedly jammed into the round hole despite reasonable discussion opportunities presented.

There are resolutions to the aforementioned Judgement:

-Galadriel Te'Straif can choose to atone, and begin the process of reparations with both the City of Enorian, the Council of Duiran and the Gods of Spirit for his transgressions. The process begins with discussions between parties and tangible goals being set. This -is- a difficult course of action, but with perserverence and humbling one may accomplish any goal despite the obstacles in place. You shall be greater for this should you choose this path.

-Galadriel Te'Straif can cast aside the teachings of the Light and depart to that of Shadow in either that of Bloodloch or Spinesreach, if they would so choose acccept him. Such is not my decision or one that I would have part of discussion in, but this is not my existence which is being called upon for Judgement, ergo, do as you wish Galadriel. This solution means purely your existence against that of Light is justified and not laden with heresy. Standard engagement rules will still apply.

- - - - - -

The previous posts rules of engagement apply until further notice.
READNEWS PUBLIC 6267 - for details.

Blessed are those of the Light,

Cardinal Oonagh

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 18th of Khepary, in the year 482 MA.

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