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Public News Post #6267

The Light's Judgement: Galadriel Te'Straif

Written by: Archmage Oonagh Heliodor Maximillian Morrog
Date: Saturday, August 10th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Galadriel Te'Straif,

As Cardinal of the Light, and a Grook who has devoted years in aiding those who are to find redemption amidst their decisions to stray away from illumination. I did not wish to make this post, in fact I hesitated for weeks in hopes that you, a former ally and active proponent of the Light had purely been suffering from a spell of poor judgement and found clarity amidst the grandstanding, grandiose declarations and delusions of grandeur you have been suffering. However, it shows that in these decisions you have only wallowed within your own ego, to points beyond my comprehension.

You sit, within the very City of Bloodloch and spout off lies of Enorian's corruption, not to look upon one's self and realize the irony of your very declaration. It is these facts, and acknowledgements that lead to this, a Crusade.

Regarding Galadriel, the following guidelines pertain to the Crusade to purge their corruption:

Should Mr. Te'Straif:

-Be acknowledged hiding within Sanctuary of Bloodloch.
-Utilize the teachings of Spirit alongside to aid or further the goals of Shadow and Undeath
-Assault an allied City/Council within defendable territory
-Assault protected interests of both Enorian/Duiran
-Intervene with the goals of the Light and furthering our purpose

He shall be hunted freely per the crusade and brought to heel before the strength of the Light's judgement.

Alas, here we are, and the public declaration comes forth.

Are you Galadriel too far from redemption, no. I believe that you have an opportunity in which the very eyes of the Divine look upon you in hope that you err from your ways. Will this be easy, no. Will it be obtainable, yes. This will require you to humble yourself before Their judgement and the judgement of mortals alike. Find this hope within yourself, and you too can be saved from the tumultuous path you have chosen, I have faith in this, as should you.

Choose wisely.

Blessed are those of the Light,
Cardinal Oonagh Morrog

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 6th of Khepary, in the year 482 MA.

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Public News Post #6267

The Light's Judgement: Galadriel Te'Straif

Written by: Archmage Oonagh Heliodor Maximillian Morrog
Date: Saturday, August 10th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Galadriel Te'Straif,

As Cardinal of the Light, and a Grook who has devoted years in aiding those who are to find redemption amidst their decisions to stray away from illumination. I did not wish to make this post, in fact I hesitated for weeks in hopes that you, a former ally and active proponent of the Light had purely been suffering from a spell of poor judgement and found clarity amidst the grandstanding, grandiose declarations and delusions of grandeur you have been suffering. However, it shows that in these decisions you have only wallowed within your own ego, to points beyond my comprehension.

You sit, within the very City of Bloodloch and spout off lies of Enorian's corruption, not to look upon one's self and realize the irony of your very declaration. It is these facts, and acknowledgements that lead to this, a Crusade.

Regarding Galadriel, the following guidelines pertain to the Crusade to purge their corruption:

Should Mr. Te'Straif:

-Be acknowledged hiding within Sanctuary of Bloodloch.
-Utilize the teachings of Spirit alongside to aid or further the goals of Shadow and Undeath
-Assault an allied City/Council within defendable territory
-Assault protected interests of both Enorian/Duiran
-Intervene with the goals of the Light and furthering our purpose

He shall be hunted freely per the crusade and brought to heel before the strength of the Light's judgement.

Alas, here we are, and the public declaration comes forth.

Are you Galadriel too far from redemption, no. I believe that you have an opportunity in which the very eyes of the Divine look upon you in hope that you err from your ways. Will this be easy, no. Will it be obtainable, yes. This will require you to humble yourself before Their judgement and the judgement of mortals alike. Find this hope within yourself, and you too can be saved from the tumultuous path you have chosen, I have faith in this, as should you.

Choose wisely.

Blessed are those of the Light,
Cardinal Oonagh Morrog

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 6th of Khepary, in the year 482 MA.

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