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Public News Post #6265


Written by: Fezzix Sicarius
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2019
Addressed to: Zynti, the Tempered Spirit


I've been focusing my aggression on you alone. You, however, decided to raise the stakes and target Robyn and Mjoll for no reason other than the fact you think threatening my friends will make me stop attacking you.

Unlike you, I've learned to keep my ire focused. You watched me earlier this week as I forced you to open the stockroom where you keep your valuables, and you saw me take fifty minipet cages, fifty-six morphic metals, and thirty-two Compendium pages.

I sent my terms to you in private, but I'll state them here for the entire continent to read: "I hereby swear to return Zynti's fifty stolen minipet cages and fifty-six morphic metals upon his public apology for killing Robyn. As for the thirty-two Compendium pages, I will periodically use them for myself the longer he takes to comply. I will also cease hostilities against him, as per my original demands in Public news post 6262."

I made this Oath to the Warlord upon my Oathband that He gives all His Officers, and it is binding. I'll be using a single Compendium page every Howling, with the first one being the upcoming Howling.

One more thing: Don't delude yourself. I don't care about you reaching "new heights," because you'll still be just as killable at the end of the day. I want what I said I wanted.

-Fezzix Sicarius

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 2nd of Arios, in the year 482 MA.

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Public News Post #6265


Written by: Fezzix Sicarius
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2019
Addressed to: Zynti, the Tempered Spirit


I've been focusing my aggression on you alone. You, however, decided to raise the stakes and target Robyn and Mjoll for no reason other than the fact you think threatening my friends will make me stop attacking you.

Unlike you, I've learned to keep my ire focused. You watched me earlier this week as I forced you to open the stockroom where you keep your valuables, and you saw me take fifty minipet cages, fifty-six morphic metals, and thirty-two Compendium pages.

I sent my terms to you in private, but I'll state them here for the entire continent to read: "I hereby swear to return Zynti's fifty stolen minipet cages and fifty-six morphic metals upon his public apology for killing Robyn. As for the thirty-two Compendium pages, I will periodically use them for myself the longer he takes to comply. I will also cease hostilities against him, as per my original demands in Public news post 6262."

I made this Oath to the Warlord upon my Oathband that He gives all His Officers, and it is binding. I'll be using a single Compendium page every Howling, with the first one being the upcoming Howling.

One more thing: Don't delude yourself. I don't care about you reaching "new heights," because you'll still be just as killable at the end of the day. I want what I said I wanted.

-Fezzix Sicarius

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 2nd of Arios, in the year 482 MA.

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