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Public News Post #21065

The Nature of Things

Written by: Keeper of the Willow, Miceal Lighthawk
Date: Wednesday, April 21st, 2021
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

How does it feel standing in your lofty, ivory towers?

Don't answer. It was a rhetorical question. I seriously don't care. What I care about is you lip service some notion of Creation. You pretend you have Ashtan, Hashan, and Mhaldor as enemies. Yet. You stand within the chaotic streets of Ashtan with the Ashtani killing people who work towards keeping the natural world well. You attack people who work tirelessly and risk their lives to make sure the micro ecosystems you harvest and gather from are sustained and thriving. You kill anyone for any hint of a reason. You lead a vampire lord (sorry, Zsarachnor. They seriously use you.) to a village of people trying to go on their lives.

The reality of things is pretty easy. You raze and destroy. You take whatever you want without caring about the growth of Creation. You revel in bloodshed for the sake of violence. You just use another title for the reasoning.

At least we're honest about what we do. A city is a blight upon the land. Here's why.

What cities do is what the Tsol'teth would've done if they'd won. They slaughter micro ecosystems where they want a home. They put down structures of stone and iron to ensure those ecosystems remain gone. They keep an environment that's lifeless compared to what was there before. They kill anything from the outside world that dares enter their domain. It'd be us shoved off to a few places like Actar (if we were lucky) and worse if the Tsol'teth had won. They take selfishly from the natural world without caring about sustaining it. It's like when the Tsol'teth killed people for the sake of their experiments without caring. See that child over there? See your loved one? Imagine them being taken for the slaughter for no other reason than one race's supposed superiority.

That's what you do to Nature.

We seek to help you find a way to live in harmony with the natural way of things. Whether by your life or your death doesn't really matter to us. Everything returns to Nature's embrace in the end. Even you.

Keeper of the Willow, Miceal Lighthawk

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Mayan, in the year 856 AF.

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Public News Post #21065

The Nature of Things

Written by: Keeper of the Willow, Miceal Lighthawk
Date: Wednesday, April 21st, 2021
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

How does it feel standing in your lofty, ivory towers?

Don't answer. It was a rhetorical question. I seriously don't care. What I care about is you lip service some notion of Creation. You pretend you have Ashtan, Hashan, and Mhaldor as enemies. Yet. You stand within the chaotic streets of Ashtan with the Ashtani killing people who work towards keeping the natural world well. You attack people who work tirelessly and risk their lives to make sure the micro ecosystems you harvest and gather from are sustained and thriving. You kill anyone for any hint of a reason. You lead a vampire lord (sorry, Zsarachnor. They seriously use you.) to a village of people trying to go on their lives.

The reality of things is pretty easy. You raze and destroy. You take whatever you want without caring about the growth of Creation. You revel in bloodshed for the sake of violence. You just use another title for the reasoning.

At least we're honest about what we do. A city is a blight upon the land. Here's why.

What cities do is what the Tsol'teth would've done if they'd won. They slaughter micro ecosystems where they want a home. They put down structures of stone and iron to ensure those ecosystems remain gone. They keep an environment that's lifeless compared to what was there before. They kill anything from the outside world that dares enter their domain. It'd be us shoved off to a few places like Actar (if we were lucky) and worse if the Tsol'teth had won. They take selfishly from the natural world without caring about sustaining it. It's like when the Tsol'teth killed people for the sake of their experiments without caring. See that child over there? See your loved one? Imagine them being taken for the slaughter for no other reason than one race's supposed superiority.

That's what you do to Nature.

We seek to help you find a way to live in harmony with the natural way of things. Whether by your life or your death doesn't really matter to us. Everything returns to Nature's embrace in the end. Even you.

Keeper of the Willow, Miceal Lighthawk

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Mayan, in the year 856 AF.

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