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Public News Post #20737


Written by: Archivist Halos Vorondil
Date: Friday, May 15th, 2020
Addressed to: The Clan of Pirates of Meropis


The ruins of Shallam have not been developed or repaired by the city of Targossas, and that was intentional. They have stood as both reminder and testament to the faithful mortals who fought and died bravely against the forces of the alien god Bal'met, much as the Dawnspear stands by grace of the Goddess who slew him. No "memorial" contrived by your heathen hands can possibly honour those who perished. Similar to opening up shop in the commemorative chambers below the Shrine of Ascension, doing so is tantamount to sacrilege.

In the meantime: Jinsun, Rackham, and Kinilan, whilst you were vacantly squatting on that empty patch of sea, the Dawnlord of Targossas has reduced your home city's harbour, and your reputation, to rubble. I suggest you attend to the repair of those before you attempt cobbling together whatever ramshackle craftwork you have going on about the hallowed gravesite of the fallen.

Halos Vorondil
Former Caliph of Shallam

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Phaestian, in the year 829 AF.

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Public News Post #20737


Written by: Archivist Halos Vorondil
Date: Friday, May 15th, 2020
Addressed to: The Clan of Pirates of Meropis


The ruins of Shallam have not been developed or repaired by the city of Targossas, and that was intentional. They have stood as both reminder and testament to the faithful mortals who fought and died bravely against the forces of the alien god Bal'met, much as the Dawnspear stands by grace of the Goddess who slew him. No "memorial" contrived by your heathen hands can possibly honour those who perished. Similar to opening up shop in the commemorative chambers below the Shrine of Ascension, doing so is tantamount to sacrilege.

In the meantime: Jinsun, Rackham, and Kinilan, whilst you were vacantly squatting on that empty patch of sea, the Dawnlord of Targossas has reduced your home city's harbour, and your reputation, to rubble. I suggest you attend to the repair of those before you attempt cobbling together whatever ramshackle craftwork you have going on about the hallowed gravesite of the fallen.

Halos Vorondil
Former Caliph of Shallam

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Phaestian, in the year 829 AF.

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