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Public News Post #20797

A Season for All Things

Written by: Frances Vorondil, Senator of the Valley
Date: Monday, August 3rd, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

As Cyrene approaches the thirty-sixth year of her reclamation and celebrates the completion of her reconstruction, she also approaches a crossroads. As with anything in this mortal world, the visitation ban instituted against Targossas has reached its end. No longer will Targossian citizens be repelled from our walls for the status of their citizenship.

However, do not mistake the inevitable demise of the ban as an endorsement of the actions of Targossas in any capacity. As they were intended to do, the bans have separated the wheat from the chaff: Targossas have proven time and again that they are nothing more than fair-weather folk who will side with whatever power threatens the world in order that they may be spared. Instead of offering any form of reconciliation, Targossas slapped away our hand in favour of spitting in our face. And we do not forgive them for their slights.

In spite of this, we acknowledge that there are far larger threats looming against our city and our people, and thus we choose to shift our attention towards those who actively tear at our walls.

While you may walk our streets, Targossians, know that you are not our friends or allies. Alongside the closing of this policy comes the opening of another:

In reciprocation for the treatment of private Cyrenian citizens during what could only be described as poor attempts at backdoor diplomacy, no citizen of Targossas will be allowed to own a shop within Cyrene for as long as they remain Targossian.

Additionally, though we open our gates to the standard Targossian citizen, any who dared raise sword against Cyrene during her deepest time of need is guilty of the greatest betrayal, and their enemy status shall not be revoked. To be absolutely clear, this affects those who fought alongside the Tsol'teth during the Third Wave. All other citizens of Targossas who hold enemy status merely for trespassing during the duration of the ban may apply with Zbaco Silvertongue, our Minister of Security, to remedy their status.

This is a new era for Cyrene. Her stone was cracked beneath the heel of the Tsol'teth, but she has been reforged with silver and steel.

May she stand forevermore.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Aeguary, in the year 836 AF.

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Public News Post #20797

A Season for All Things

Written by: Frances Vorondil, Senator of the Valley
Date: Monday, August 3rd, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

As Cyrene approaches the thirty-sixth year of her reclamation and celebrates the completion of her reconstruction, she also approaches a crossroads. As with anything in this mortal world, the visitation ban instituted against Targossas has reached its end. No longer will Targossian citizens be repelled from our walls for the status of their citizenship.

However, do not mistake the inevitable demise of the ban as an endorsement of the actions of Targossas in any capacity. As they were intended to do, the bans have separated the wheat from the chaff: Targossas have proven time and again that they are nothing more than fair-weather folk who will side with whatever power threatens the world in order that they may be spared. Instead of offering any form of reconciliation, Targossas slapped away our hand in favour of spitting in our face. And we do not forgive them for their slights.

In spite of this, we acknowledge that there are far larger threats looming against our city and our people, and thus we choose to shift our attention towards those who actively tear at our walls.

While you may walk our streets, Targossians, know that you are not our friends or allies. Alongside the closing of this policy comes the opening of another:

In reciprocation for the treatment of private Cyrenian citizens during what could only be described as poor attempts at backdoor diplomacy, no citizen of Targossas will be allowed to own a shop within Cyrene for as long as they remain Targossian.

Additionally, though we open our gates to the standard Targossian citizen, any who dared raise sword against Cyrene during her deepest time of need is guilty of the greatest betrayal, and their enemy status shall not be revoked. To be absolutely clear, this affects those who fought alongside the Tsol'teth during the Third Wave. All other citizens of Targossas who hold enemy status merely for trespassing during the duration of the ban may apply with Zbaco Silvertongue, our Minister of Security, to remedy their status.

This is a new era for Cyrene. Her stone was cracked beneath the heel of the Tsol'teth, but she has been reforged with silver and steel.

May she stand forevermore.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Aeguary, in the year 836 AF.

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