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Public News Post #20769


Written by: Tyrannus Stheno Aristata
Date: Friday, July 3rd, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas


War has ravaged this land for two long years, as you so desired. Each sanguine month has been blessed by the lamentation of your people, the ruin of your blackened city, and the dimming of the Light in your eyes. The daemons of the Inferno fed well. As I promised you, the servants of the Malevolent One drank deeply of our fill of blood, whetting our appetites and our blades on the grindstone of Eastern skulls.

These skulls now serve in His pyramid. Mhaldor waged this war in His name, and in His name were you annihilated. You have lost, trampled into the dirt beneath black iron and bloodsteel. All your struggles were in vain.

Strangely, your faith died unspoken on your lips. Why you cloister your priests and preachers in the Heart of Dawn, rather than travelling the roads, is a question for you and your Goddess. If you still believe in the imitation ideals of Growth and Truth, then grow from this cruel defeat. Or become something better than you are, and accept the reality of the Seven that has been carved into your minds, your bodies, and your spirits. Again, and again, and again.

The lesson is for you as well, Sapience, most of whom watched and gambled away their gold on life and death. The gospel of Evil does not teach us that a man should never fall or fail. It does not teach us to shield our eyes from what is true, or to climb from the cold graves that men will adamantly dig for themselves in their vanity. Evil teaches us that pain and pressure are the vectors for the advancement of our kind, that punishment and strife are unavoidable, and that one must persevere through Hardship to find and harness one's Strength. The Seven Truths make up the very fabric of Creation, and no one Truth exists above the others, but all are connected in the mortal pursuit of greatness. This we have proven.

Through these things shall His Dominion encompass all. His Ziggurat remains, a black monolith and public temple for those with the capacity to learn from life.

Do not rouse His ire again.


Tyrannus Stheno Aristata

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Lupar, in the year 833 AF.

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Public News Post #20769


Written by: Tyrannus Stheno Aristata
Date: Friday, July 3rd, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas


War has ravaged this land for two long years, as you so desired. Each sanguine month has been blessed by the lamentation of your people, the ruin of your blackened city, and the dimming of the Light in your eyes. The daemons of the Inferno fed well. As I promised you, the servants of the Malevolent One drank deeply of our fill of blood, whetting our appetites and our blades on the grindstone of Eastern skulls.

These skulls now serve in His pyramid. Mhaldor waged this war in His name, and in His name were you annihilated. You have lost, trampled into the dirt beneath black iron and bloodsteel. All your struggles were in vain.

Strangely, your faith died unspoken on your lips. Why you cloister your priests and preachers in the Heart of Dawn, rather than travelling the roads, is a question for you and your Goddess. If you still believe in the imitation ideals of Growth and Truth, then grow from this cruel defeat. Or become something better than you are, and accept the reality of the Seven that has been carved into your minds, your bodies, and your spirits. Again, and again, and again.

The lesson is for you as well, Sapience, most of whom watched and gambled away their gold on life and death. The gospel of Evil does not teach us that a man should never fall or fail. It does not teach us to shield our eyes from what is true, or to climb from the cold graves that men will adamantly dig for themselves in their vanity. Evil teaches us that pain and pressure are the vectors for the advancement of our kind, that punishment and strife are unavoidable, and that one must persevere through Hardship to find and harness one's Strength. The Seven Truths make up the very fabric of Creation, and no one Truth exists above the others, but all are connected in the mortal pursuit of greatness. This we have proven.

Through these things shall His Dominion encompass all. His Ziggurat remains, a black monolith and public temple for those with the capacity to learn from life.

Do not rouse His ire again.


Tyrannus Stheno Aristata

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Lupar, in the year 833 AF.

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