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Public News Post #21490


Written by: Meloi
Date: Thursday, September 22nd, 2022
Addressed to: Sir Kinilan Demaxx, Distinguished First

Greetings, Kinilan.

I must admit, I am a little sad to see that you have not yet made any mention of my latest reply to your advertisements.
Surely this is just the product of your forgetfulness, your hands must be full of work, managing and spreading the good word, and not the result of you directly ignoring what I have written to criticise the movement.

Don't get me wrong, the Idea appeals to me, in a way, but there are many things I have pointed out that do not sit quite right with me, especially not when you take into consideration that my skeptical eyes have lead to my prompt divine cursing in the past.

Again, why, or how perhaps, is it that we can trust You, and Pandora for that matter, with this? When so many questions are just kind of sitting there, like unwelcome, unanswered mail?

Perhaps we can see eye to eye soon,


Penned by my hand on the 25th of Ero, in the year 898 AF.

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Public News Post #21490


Written by: Meloi
Date: Thursday, September 22nd, 2022
Addressed to: Sir Kinilan Demaxx, Distinguished First

Greetings, Kinilan.

I must admit, I am a little sad to see that you have not yet made any mention of my latest reply to your advertisements.
Surely this is just the product of your forgetfulness, your hands must be full of work, managing and spreading the good word, and not the result of you directly ignoring what I have written to criticise the movement.

Don't get me wrong, the Idea appeals to me, in a way, but there are many things I have pointed out that do not sit quite right with me, especially not when you take into consideration that my skeptical eyes have lead to my prompt divine cursing in the past.

Again, why, or how perhaps, is it that we can trust You, and Pandora for that matter, with this? When so many questions are just kind of sitting there, like unwelcome, unanswered mail?

Perhaps we can see eye to eye soon,


Penned by my hand on the 25th of Ero, in the year 898 AF.

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