Crafting Contests #1

Amarisse has judged and decide the winners for the Tailoring and Jewellery design contests!

The tailoring theme was MOTION and the mandatory material was SILK.
The jewellery theme was ASYMMETRY and the mandatory material was NON-PRECIOUS STONES.

Category: Licensed Tailor

1st place is Stheno!
2nd place is Truax!
3rd place is Kairula!

Category: Unlicensed Tailor

1st place is Alasiel!
2nd place is Marcella!
3rd place is Azazell!

Category: Licensed Jeweller

1st place is Stheno!
2nd place is Ellodin!
3rd place is Ryx!

Category: Unlicensed Jeweller

1st place is Laedha!
2nd place is Mezghar!
3rd place is Stefana!